Hannah & Kristyn

This past week I went on a double session with Hannah and Kristyn, alongside my 'manager' Liesel. Driving the windy roads of Benton City into Richland, made for a wonderful time of chatting and photos. The sunset was gorgeous as were ladies...and I couldn't have asked for a better session. I've definitely noticed I have a preference for up-close shots. There is something about highlighting the beauty in one's face. It really gives you an inside perspective into who that person is.


Jacquelyn and Brooke's Senior Photo opt.

A while back my friend Shawna had asked me if I'd be willing to do her little sister and her little sister's friend, senior pics.  Naturally I agreed, and I am so so glad I did.  Both Jacquelyn and Brooke were so easy to photograph.  Between their beautiful smiles and shining personalities, I knew these shots were money before the session was half over.

Venturing around the Tri-City area, we hit a lot of great places at exactly the right time. When it comes to photography, I've realized timing is everything (Kind of like life, you know)?  If the lighting is off, you can work with it, but when it's on, the magic ensues.

I've got to admit, the more and more I go out, the more confident I am getting behind the lens. This was definitely one of my favorite shoots to date and I couldn't have accomplished it without Jacquelyn and Brooke. Thank you ladies, hope your senior year is wonderful!

If you'd like to see more of the shoot, click here.

If you'd like to set up a session, click here. 

Minh and family

A few weeks back, I was contacted to do a maternity shoot. Never having done one before, I was up for the challenge! Yesterday I had the privilege to shoot Minh and her beautiful family. Here are some photos I've been working on, more to come!


This past week I had the opportunity to photograph another beautiful friend of mine, Elissa! Our journey was only an hour long, cut short by a lack of card space. However, we did happen to stumble upon some cornfields, which may just be my new favorite place to shoot.

There were a few of my favorites from that day. I'm really hoping to go out and shoot with her again, possibly a day long deal. Enjoy!

Sneak Peek.

This weekend my friends and I ventured down to Walla Walla for some photo fun. This is just a sneak peek of what we accomplished.

Shawna's Photoshoot

Followers, I apologize for the lack of blogs this past Summer. Between traveling, finding employment, cleaning, working, and wrapping up some things with the family, blogging has been sitting on the shelf. However, now that I'm on more of a schedule, I'm planning on blogging more often.

This past weekend, I shot some photos with my new 50mm f 1.4 lens. Let me rave about this lens for a second. It is by far the BEST piece of photo equipment I've ever purchased. If any photographers out there are looking to add to their collection I suggest going through Abes of Maine.  Between their customer service, lower prices, and overall quality...I couldn't have been more pleased.

Anyways, back to the point...These are some of the images I snapped of the beautiful and lovely Shawna this weekend. (I'm so lucky to have friends who are so gorgeous on the inside and out).  Shawna wound up introducing me to a new place to shoot in Kennewick, which is now my favorite place ever.. We played with some different poses and lighting, and overall I think these are some of my best to date.

I have a few shoots planned for the weekend, so more photos to come!